Application of electrophoretic methods for detection of protein-porphyrin complexes.

  • Agnieszka Kowalska Department of Biotechnology, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Piotr Kwiek
  • Ewa Miłosz
  • Grzegorz Gondek
  • Anna Romiszewska
  • Alfreda Graczyk
  • Anna J Podhajska


Simple methods for detection and isolation of protein-porphyrin complexes were elaborated in our laboratory. They are based on the separation of protein-porphyrin complexes in native polyacrylamide gel and measurement of their fluorescence, with the use of two detection systems: the commercially available Gel Doc(TM) 2000 system, and a system specially designed for the purpose of these investigations, concerning protein-porphyrin interactions. The fluorescent complexes can be electro-transferred from the gel onto PVDF membrane, eluted and analyzed in order to identify the protein interacting with porphyrins.