Neural impacts on the regeneration of skeletal muscles.

  • Sándor Pintér Department of Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary.;
  • Luca Mendler
  • László Dux


The regeneration of skeletal muscles is a suitable model to study the development and differentiation of contractile tissues. Neural effects are one of the key factors in the regulation of this process. In the present work, effects of different reinnervation protocols (suture or grafting) were studied upon the regenerative capacity of rat soleus muscles treated with the venom of the Australian tiger snake, notexin, which is known to induce complete necrosis and subsequent regeneration of muscles. Morphological and motor endplate analysis indicated that the regenerative capacity of denervated, and thereafter surgically reinnervated muscles remains impaired compared to that of normally innervated muscles, showing differences in the muscle size, fiber type pattern and motor endplate structure, even 35 days after the notexin injection. A lack or deficiency of secreted neural factors, deterioration of satellite cells and/or incomplete recovery of the sutured or grafted nerves may be the cause of these discrepancies in the regeneration process.