Studies on type I collagen in skin fibroblasts cultured from twins with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta.

  • Anna Galicka Department of Medical Chemistry, Medical Academy of Białystok, 15-230 Białystok 8, Poland.;
  • Sławomir Wołczyński
  • Andrzej Gindzieński


Studies on type I procollagen produced by skin fibroblasts cultured from twins with lethal type II of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) showed that biosynthesis of collagen (measured by L-[5-(3)H]proline incorporation into proteins susceptible to the action of bacterial collagenase) was slightly increased as compared to the control healthy infant. SDS/PAGE showed that the fibroblasts synthesized and secreted only normal type I procollagen. Electrophoretic analysis of collagen chains and CNBr peptides showed the same pattern of electrophoretic migration as in the controls. The lack of posttranslational overmodification of the collagen molecule suggested a molecular defect near the amino terminus of the collagen helix. Digestion of OI type I collagen with trypsin at 30 degrees C for 5 min generated a shorter than normal alpha2 chain which melted at 36 degrees C. Direct sequencing of an asymmetric PCR product revealed a heterozygous single nucleotide change C-->G causing a substitution of histidine by aspartic acid in the alpha2 chain at position 92. Pericellular processing of type I procollagen by the twin's fibroblasts yielded a later appearance of the intermediate pC-alpha1(I) form as compared with control cells.