Uptake of photofrin II, a photosensitizer used in photodynamic therapy, by tumour cells in vitro.

  • Agnieszka Chwiłkowska Department of Medical Biochemistry, Wrocław Medical University, T. Chałubińskiego 10, 50-368 Wrocław, Poland. maria@bioch.am.wroc.pl;
  • Jolanta Saczko
  • Teresa Modrzycka
  • Anna Marcinkowska
  • Anna Malarska
  • Julita Bielewicz
  • Dorota Patalas
  • Teresa Banaś


Photosensitizing dyes are used in fluorescence diagnostics and photodynamic therapy (PDT). These usually hematoporphyrin derivatives (HpD) accumulate preferentially within neoplastic tissues. HpD is a mixture of ether and ester linked porphyrins. Its partially purified form is known under the commercial name of photofrin II (PII). PII emission spectra were studied in a hydrophilic (PBS) and a lipophilic (PC liposomes) environment. Red shift was observed in their emission maxima from 615 nm in buffer solution to 635 nm in lipid. Identical red shift was obtained when the intracellular fluorescence of two cancer cell lines, MCF 7 and Jurkat, incubated with PII was investigated. Thus, intramembrane localization of PII may be suggested. As determined from the total fluorescence intensity, the uptake of PII was only slightly higher for Jurkat than for MCF 7 cells. Nevertheless the kinetics of the uptake was found to be different for both cell lines.