Carbohydrate moieties of N-cadherin from human melanoma cell lines.

  • Dorota Ciołczyk-Wierzbicka Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Medical College, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.;
  • Dorota Gil
  • Dorota Hoja-Łukowicz
  • Anna Lityńska
  • Piotr Laidler


Expression of N-cadherin an adhesion molecule of the cadherin family, in tumor cells is associated with their increased invasive potential. Many studies suggested the role of N-linked oligosaccharides as important factors that contribute to metastasis by influencing tumor cell invasion and adhesion. N-cadherin is a heavily glycosylated protein. We have analysed the carbohydrate profile of this protein synthesized in human melanoma cell lines: WM35 from the primary tumor site and WM239, WM9, and A375 from different metastatic sites. N-cadherin was immunoprecipitated with anti-human N-cadherin polyclonal antibodies. Characterisation of its carbohydrate moieties was carried out by SDS/PAGE electrophoresis and blotting, followed by immunochemical identification of the N-cadherin polypeptides and analysis of their glycans using highly specific digoxigenin or biotin labelled lectins. The positive reaction of N-cadherin from the WM35 cell line with Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA), Datura stramonium agglutinin (DSA) and Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) indicated the presence of high-mannose type glycans and biantennary complex type oligosaccharides with alpha2-6 linked sialic acid. N-cadherin from WM239, WM9, and A375 cell lines gave a positive reaction with Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin (L-PHA) and lotus Tetragonolobus purpureas agglutinin (LTA). This indicated the presence of tri- or tetra-antennary complex type glycans with alpha-fucose. In addition, N-cadherin from WM9 (lymphomodus metastatic site) and A375 (solid tumor metastatic site) contained complex type chains with alpha2-3 sialic acid (positive reaction with Maackia amurensis agglutinin--MAA). The results demonstrated that N-glycans of N-cadherin are altered in metastatic melanomas in a way characteristic for invasive tumor cells.