The effect of Arg209 to Lys mutation in mouse thymidylate synthase.

  • Joanna Cieśla Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warszawa, Poland.;
  • Barbara Gołos
  • Elzbieta Wałajtys-Rode
  • Elzbieta Jagielska
  • Andrzej Płucienniczak
  • Wojciech Rode


Mouse thymidylate synthase R209K (a mutation corresponding to R218K in Lactobacillus casei), overexpressed in thymidylate synthase-deficient Escherichia coli strain, was poorly soluble and with only feeble enzyme activity. The mutated protein, incubated with FdUMP and N(5,10)-methylenetetrahydrofolate, did not form a complex stable under conditions of SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The reaction catalyzed by the R209K enzyme (studied in a crude extract), compared to that catalyzed by purified wild-type recombinant mouse thymidylate synthase, showed the K(m) value for dUMP 571-fold higher and V(max) value over 50-fold (assuming that the mutated enzyme constituted 20% of total crude extract protein) lower. Thus the ratios k(cat, R209K)/k(cat, 'wild') and (k(cat, R209K)/K(m, R209K)(dUMP))/( k(cat, 'wild')/K(m, 'wild')(dUMP)) were 0.019 and 0.000032, respectively, documenting that mouse thymidylate synthase R209, similar to the corresponding L. casei R218, is essential for both dUMP binding and enzyme reaction.