Cloning and characterization of the gene encoding ribosomal P0 phosphoprotein from Neurospora crassa.

  • Dawid Krokowski Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Department of Molecular Biology, Lublin, Poland.;
  • Marek Tchórzewski
  • Nikodem Grankowski


A gene for ribosomal protein P0 that belongs to the family of ribosomal P proteins was isolated from a Neurospora crassa cDNA library, using polyclonal antibodies against recombinant P0 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This is the first gene for ribosomal P0 protein to be cloned from filamentous fungi. The derived P0 protein sequence has a strong homology to other eukaryotic P0 proteins; yet, there is a notable alteration in the conservative C-terminal region, placing this protein among the unique sequences from protozoan parasites.