Dual effect of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell cycle events in human osteosarcoma 143B cells.

  • Justyna Gołebiewska Department of Medical Chemistry, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • Piotr Rozwadowski
  • Jan Henryk Spodnik
  • Narcyz Knap
  • Takashi Wakabayashi
  • Michał Woźniak


We have demonstrated for the first time that the steroid metabolite, 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) is a powerful growth inhibitor of human osteosarcoma 143 B cell line by pleiotropic mechanisms involving cell cycle arrest at two different points and apoptosis. The ability of 2-ME to inhibit cell cycle at the respective points has been found concentration dependent. 1 microM 2-ME inhibited cell cycle at G1 phase while 10 microM 2-ME caused G2/M cell cycle arrest. As a natural estrogen metabolite 2-ME is expected to perturb the stability of microtubules (MT) in vivo analogously to Taxol--the MT binding anticancer agent. Contrary to 2-ME, Taxol induced accumulation of osteosarcoma cells in G2/M phase of cell cycle only. The presented data strongly suggest two different mechanisms of cytotoxic action of 2-ME at the level of a single cell.