Protein phosphatase 2A: variety of forms and diversity of functions.

  • K Lechward Cell and Molecular Signaling Laboratory, Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • O S Awotunde
  • W Swiatek
  • G Muszyńska


Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) comprises a diverse family of phosphoserine- and phosphothreonine-specific phosphatases present in all eukaryotic cells. All forms of PP2A contain a catalytic subunit (PP2Ac) which forms a stable complex with the structural subunit PR65/A. The heterodimer PP2Ac-PR65/A associates with regulatory proteins, termed variable subunits, in order to form trimeric holoenzymes attributed with distinct substrate specificity and targeted to different subcellular compartments. PP2Ac activity can be modulated by reversible phosphorylation on Tyr307 and methylation on C-terminal Leu309. Studies on PP2A have shown that this enzyme may be implicated in the regulation of metabolism, transcription, RNA splicing, translation, differentiation, cell cycle, oncogenic transformation and signal transduction.