Signal transmission via G protein-coupled receptors in the light of rhodopsin structure determination.

  • J Ciarkowski Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • P Drabik
  • A Giełdoń
  • R Kaźmierkiewicz
  • R Slusarz


G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) transducing diverse external signals to cells via activation of heterotrimeric GTP-binding (G) proteins, estimated to mediate actions of 60% of drugs, had been resistant to structure determination until summer 2000. The first atomic-resolution experimental structure of a GPCR, that of dark (inactive) rhodopsin, thus provides a trustworthy 3D prototype for antagonist-bound forms of this huge family of proteins. In this work, our former theoretical GPCR models are evaluated against the new experimental template. Subsequently, a working hypothesis regarding the signal transduction mechanism by GPCRs is presented.