Effect of growth at low temperature on the alternative pathway respiration in Acanthamoeba castellanii mitochondria.

  • W Jarmuszkiewicz Department of Bioenergetics, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. wiesiaj@main.amu.edu.pl;
  • O Fraczyk
  • L Hryniewiecka


Mitochondria of amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii in addition to the conventional cytochrome pathway possess, like plant mitochondria, a cyanide-resistant alternative quinol oxidase. In mitochondria isolated from amoeba batch culture grown temporarily at low temperature (6 degrees C), higher respiration was accompanied by lower coupling parameters as compared to control culture (grown at 28 degrees C). In the presence of benzohydroxamate, respiratory rates and coupling parameters were similar in both types of mitochondria indicating that growth in cold conditions did not disturb the cytochrome pathway. Increased contribution of alternative oxidase in total mitochondrial respiration in low-temperature-grown amoeba cells was confirmed by calculation of its contribution using ADP/O measurements. Furthermore, in mitochondria from low-temperature- grown cells the content of the alternative oxidase was increased and correlated with the increase in the unstimulated and GMP-stimulated cyanide-resistant respiratory activity. A possible physiological role of higher activity of alternative oxidase as response to growth at a low temperature in unicellular organisms, such as amoeba, is discussed.