Genetic variability of potato spindle tuber viroid RNA replicon.

  • A Góra-Sochacka Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa.;
  • T Candresse
  • W Zagórski


The genetic continuity of the potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) genome was analysed after infection of tomato plants with cloned cDNAs of parental strains. During the six weeks of the experiment, several new sequence variants appeared. The sequence variants detected in the progeny population induced sequence-specific disease symptoms. The PSTVd genome therefore follows the pattern expected for typical pseudo-strains propagating in plants as a population of similar sequences. Assessing further the replicon continuity, a PSTVd cDNA mutant with a deletion in the central conserved region was constructed and proven to be non-infectious. Surprisingly, in a sub-population of potato transformants expressing the same deleted PSTVd RNA an infectious viroid was detected. This suggests specific transcript conversion followed by recovery of the full-length pathogen genome.