Direct transfer of IL-12 gene into growing Renca tumors.

  • M Budryk Department of Molecular Biology, Centre of Oncology-Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Institute, Gliwice, Poland.;
  • U Wilczyńska
  • J Szary
  • S Szala


We investigated the feasibility of transferring naked plasmid DNA containing a therapeutic gene (IL-12) into mice harboring growing Renca tumors. We found that naked DNA transferred into growing Renca and B16(F10) tumors gives higher expression level of reporter gene than complexes of DNA with DDAB/DOPE or DC-Chol/DOPE. Transfer of naked DNA carrying the IL-12 gene into growing Renca tumors causes a distinct therapeutic effect that depends on the time span between inoculation of mice with cancer cells and the beginning of the therapy. Therapy started on day 3 resulted in total cure (100%) of mice.