Heparin- and Zn2+-binding proteins from boar seminal plasma.

  • D Hołody Department of Animal Biochemistry, Olsztyn University of Agriculture and Technology, Olsztyn-Kortowo, Poland. dholody@art.olsztyn.pl;
  • J Strzezek


Low molecular mass, heparin-binding proteins from seminal plasma play an important role in gametes interaction whereas plasmatic Zn2+-binding proteins stabilize chromatin and plasmalemma structures and protect spermatozoa in the female reproductive tract. By means of affinity chromatography the heparin- and Zn2+-binding proteins were isolated from boar seminal plasma and both preparations were analyzed by reverse HPLC. Most of the proteins bound to heparine and Zn2+-ions were classified as spermadhesins. Three fractions binding exclusively Zn2+ were isolated. They differ in amino-acid composition, content of glucosamine and content of protein components revealed by SDS/PAGE.