Accumulation of collagen in ovarian benign tumours.

  • M Wolańska Department of Biochemistry, Medical Academy of Białystok, Poland.;
  • K Sobolewski
  • E Bańkowski
  • M Drozdzewicz


Extracellular matrix components of benign ovarian tumours (cystadenoma, adenofibroma, cystadenofibroma) were analysed. The investigated tumours contained twice as much collagen than control ovarian tissues. Significant alterations in mutual quantitative relationships between collagens of various types were observed. The proportion of type I collagen decreased and that of type III collagen increased. The accumulation of collagen was accompanied by a reduction in sulphated glycosaminoglycan content whereas the amount of hyaluronic acid was not changed. Dermatan sulphate was the most abundant glycosaminoglycan component. It is suggested that the accumulation of collagen (natural barrier to the migration of tumour cells) and underexpression of glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycans (binding some growth factors and interleukins) may exert an inhibitory effect on tumour growth.