Fluorescence decay time distribution analysis of cyclic enkephalin analogues. Influence of the solvents and configuration of amino acids in position 2 and 3 on changes in conformation.

  • J Malicka Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • M Groth
  • C Czaplewski
  • A Liwo
  • W Wiczk


The lifetime distribution calculations were applied to study the influence of configuration of amino-acid residues in positions 2 and 3 on changes in conformation of the peptide chain of cyclic analogues of enkephalins containing a fluorescence energy donor and acceptor in different solvents. In all the solvents studied the lifetime distributions were bimodal. This testified to the presence of two families of conformations. In this paper the relationship between the population of each conformation and configuration of the residues in position 2 and 3, and the solvent used is discussed.