Application of aqueous hydrazine solution for beta-elimination of O-glycans from gastric mucin.

  • D Kisiel Department of General and Organic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Medical Academy of Białystok, Poland.;
  • A Gindzieński
  • A Gadek


O-Glycans from pig gastric mucin were released by beta-elimination in 0.2 M triethylamine and 50% aqueous hydrazine solution. The released glycan hydrazides were isolated using Centricon 10 separators, brought to their reducing form and reductive by labelled with p-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester (ABEE). Labelled products were fractionated into neutral and acid fractions on a Bio-Gel P4 column, calibrated with a mixture of dextran oligosaccharides, labelled according to the same procedure.