Characterization of DNA sequences localized 11 to 17.5 kb upstream of the chicken embryonic pi-globin gene.

  • M Pietrowska Department of Experimental and Clinical Radiobiology, Center of Oncology, Gliwice, Poland.;
  • M Rusin
  • P Widłak
  • S V Razin
  • J Rzeszowska-Wolny


We have analyzed the DNA fragment localized about 11 to 17.5 kb upstream of the chicken alpha-globin gene domain (the fragment was designed as alpha-0). The nucleotide sequence of its 3.3 kb-long 5' part was established and interactions with nuclear matrix proteins were studied. The DNA region localized about 16 kb upstream of the embryonic pi-globin gene showed high affinity to nuclear matrices in vitro. Two palindromes and a cluster of inverted repeats were co-localized in the same region. The whole 6.6 kb alpha-0 fragment decreased the activity of linked CAT reporter gene when transfected into chicken erythroblastoid cells.