The carbohydrate moiety of human glycophorin in CDG syndrome.

  • B Krotkiewska Department of Biochemistry, University Medical School, Wroclaw, Poland.;
  • K Zwierz
  • H Krotkiewski


Human glycophorin, the major sialoglycoprotein of erythrocyte membranes, was isolated from erythrocytes of healthy individuals and four patients with CDG syndrome. Sugar analysis revealed lower carbohydrate content in three out of four CDG-glycophorin samples. In order to characterize closer the glycosylation differences between glycophorin samples in health and disease, reaction with four biotinylated lectins was performed, using ELISA procedure on polystyrene microplates. Results obtained so far strongly suggest that both N- and O-glycans of glycophorin are affected in CDG syndrome.