Dolichyl sulphate and H-phosphonate: enzymatic reactions with activated sugars.

  • O V Sizova N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.;
  • S D Maltsev
  • V N Shibaev
  • W J Jankowski
  • T Chojnacki


Two phosphate-modified analogues of dolichyl phosphate were evaluated as substrates or inhibitors of the reactions catalyzed by mammalian microsomal enzymes. Dolichyl H-phosphonate could serve as an efficient acceptor for mannosyl and glucosyl transfer. The reaction products were chromatographically different from those formed from dolichyl phosphate. Lower activity of the H-phosphonate was observed for the reaction of N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphate transfer from UDP-GlcNAc. Dolichyl sulphate was shown not to serve as a substrate for the transfer of mannosyl (from GDP-Man), glucosyl (from UDP-Glc) or N-acetylglucosaminyl phosphate (from UDP-GlcNAc) residues in the presence of rat liver microsomes. Weak inhibitory properties of this analogue were demonstrated.