Collagenous constituents of amniotic fluid.

  • T Gogiel Department of Biochemistry, Medical Academy of Białystok, Poland.;
  • D A Bielecki
  • E Bańkowski


The amniotic fluid (AF) was fractionated by dialysis, gel filtration and SDS/PAGE, and submitted to the assay of collagenous constituents. The collagenous character of peptides and proteins of amniotic fluid was confirmed by hydroxyproline (Hyp) assay and treatment with bacterial collagenase followed by electrophoresis and gel filtration of the digestion products. It was found that AF contains collagen degradation products but the classical method of Hyp determination described by Woessner (Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 1961, 93, 440-447) gives overestimated values due to the interference with other AF components. Fractionation of AF on Sephadex G-100 column allowed to remove the interfering material and to estimate the actual Hyp content which equals to approx. 6.2 microg/ml. About 70% of Hyp was found in low molecular dialyzable products and the rest (about 30%) appears to be a constituent of nondialyzable collagenous polypeptides of the molecular mass of about 7.9-26.3 kDa. It is suggested that such collagenous polypeptides may be the products of proteolytic conversion of collagen precursor (procollagen) into the monomeric form of this protein. No high molecular forms of collagen, corresponding to alpha-subunits, were found.