The effect of experimental neoplastic disease on malondialdehyde level and glutathione status in erythrocytes of rats.

  • J Batko Department of Physiological Chemistry, University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland.;


The level of lipid peroxidation products and the content of glutathione in erythrocytes of rats with Morris 5123 hepatoma at different stages of tumor development were examined. The content of endogenous malondialdehyde (MDA) was increased throughout all periods of tumor development as compared to the results for healthy rats. From the extent of MDA generation under oxidative stress we concluded that erythrocytes of Morris 5123 hepatoma bearing rats were more susceptible to autoxidation than those from control rats. The content of reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) was increased at the early stage of tumor growth. At the advanced stage of the disease both the content of GSH and the GSH/GSSG ratio were decreased while the content of GSSG remained at the elevated level.