On the specific pattern of long chain polyprenols in green needles of Pinus mugo Turra.

  • B Kazimierczak Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.;
  • J Hertel
  • E Swiezewska
  • T Chojnacki
  • A Marczewski


In green needles of Pinus mugo the most abundant polyprenols occur as a mixture of prenologues in which the dominant alcohol is built of 16 isoprene units. The characteristic spectrum of polyprenols (prenol-15, -16 and -17) was the same irrespective of the location of plant and of distinct morphological differences observed in the various selected forms of this species. The constant pattern of the polyprenols spectrum was preserved throughout the 2-year life span of needles, although the level of polyprenols was increased 2-3-fold. The polyprenol pattern in Pinaceae family differs from species to species, thus it may serve as chemotaxonomic criterion within this systematic group.