Characterization of two lipopolysaccharide types isolated from Rhizobium galegae.

  • L A Räsänen Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University of Helsinki, Finland.;
  • R Russa
  • T Urbanik
  • A Choma
  • H Mayer
  • K Lindström


Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) of Rhizobium galegae, a symbiotically nitrogen-fixing species of root-nodule bacteria, were isolated by the phenol-water method from strain HAMBI 1461, the LPS of which resembled enterobacterial smooth type LPS, and from strains HAMBI 1174 and HAMBI 1208, the LPSs of which resembled rough type LPS. The results of PAGE analysis of LPSs, Bio-Gel P2 gel filtration of polysaccharide fractions and the presence of deoxysugars and 4-O-methyl-deoxysugar both in the rough and smooth LPSs suggested that rough LPS contained a short O-antigenic polysaccharide for which we propose the name short O-chain LPS. Accordingly, the smooth LPS is called long O-chain LPS. Despite of the differences in the structure of LPS of R. galegae, all strains were equally effective in nodulating their hosts. The short O-chain LPS of R. galegae showed many features similar to those of phylogenetically related agrobacteria.