An enigma: the role of viral RNA aminoacylation.

  • A L Haenni Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, France.;
  • F Chapeville


The first demonstration on the aminoacylation capacity of the RNA genome of a plant virus appeared more than 25 years ago. Shortly thereafter, aminoacylation of the RNA genome of a number of other plant viruses was observed. This led to considerable work on the tRNA-like region of these viral RNAs, and to the first demonstration of the presence of pseudoknots in their folding pattern. In spite of the vast amount of efforts put into trying to understand the reason for the aminoacylation capacity of certain viral RNA genomes, as yet no clear general conclusion emerges. It rather looks as though the reason for aminoacylation may be different for different viruses, and that aminoacylation may operate at different levels in the virus life cycle. Given that certain RNA viruses possess structures which resemble that of tRNAs at their 5'- or 3'-termini, it is most likely that convergent evolution may have dominated the appearance of such structures in the virus world.