A novel restriction endonuclease UnbI, a neoschizomer of Sau96I from an unidentified psychrofilic bacterium from Antarctica is inhibited by phosphate ions.

  • M Kawalec Department of Genetics, University of Warsaw, Poland.;
  • P Borsuk
  • S Piechula
  • P P Stepień


A novel type II restriction endonuclease UnbI was isolated from an unidentified psychrofilic bacterial strain from Antarctica. UnbI recognizes and cleaves the sequence 5'-GGNCC-3', producing 5 nucleotide long sticky ends. In this respect it differs from its neoschizomer Sau96I and all other restriction enzymes recognizing this sequence. UnbI has a relatively low temperature optimum of 15 degrees C to 20 degrees C and its activity is completely inhibited by inorganic phosphate.