Interaction of HIV Tat model peptides with tRNA and 5S rRNA.

  • M Giel-Pietraszuk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań.;
  • M Z Barciszewska
  • P Mucha
  • P Rekowski
  • G Kupryszewski
  • J Barciszewski


New data are presented on the interaction of model synthetic peptides containing an arginine-rich region of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-Tat), with native RNA molecules: tRNA(Phe) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and 5S rRNA from Lupinus luteus. Both RNA species form complexes with the Tat1 (GRKKRRQRRRA) and Tat2 (GRKKRRQRRRAPQDSQTHQASLSKQPA) peptides, as shown by electrophoretic gel shift and RNase footprint assays, and CD measurements. The nucleotide sequence UGGG located in the dihydrouridine loop of tRNAPhe as well as in the loop D of 5S rRNA is specifically protected against RNases. Our data indicate direct interactions of guanine of RNA moieties with arginine residues. These interactions seem similar to those observed in DNA-protein complexes, but different from those previously observed in the TAR RNA-Tat complexes.