Expression of the yeast NAM9 gene coding for mitochondrial ribosomal protein.

  • M Boguta Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.;
  • A Chacińska
  • M Murawski
  • B Szcześniak


We studied expression of the NAM9 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that was previously reported to code for a mitochondrial ribosomal protein. Increase in NAM9 gene dosage is accompanied by the increase in both mRNA and protein. The levels of the NAM9 transcript and protein are both reduced in cells growing on glucose as compared to cells growing on galactose as a carbon source. Nam9p accumulates to the same level in rho(o) and rho(+) cells. These results confirm previous data indicating diverse regulation of different mitochondrial ribosomal protein genes and suggest that expression of Nam9p is not co-ordinated with the expression of other mitochondrial ribosomal components.