How many 5S rRNA genes and pseudogenes are there in Aspergillus nidulans?

  • P Pelczar Department of Genetics, University of Warsaw, Poland.;
  • J Fiett
  • E Bartnik


We have estimated the number of 5S rRNA genes in Aspergillus nidulans using two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis and hybridization to appropriate probes, representing the 5'-halves, the 3'-halves of the 5S rRNA sequence and a sequence found at the 3'-end of all known A. nidulans pseudogenes (block C). We have found 23 5S rRNA genes, 15 pseudogenes consisting of the 5'-half of the 5S rRNA sequence (of which 3 are flanked by block C) and 12 copies of block C which do not seem to be in the vicinity of 5S rRNA sequences. This number of genes is much lower than our earlier estimates, and makes our previously analyzed sample of 9 sequenced genes and 3 pseudogenes much more representative.