Application of genetic semihomology algorithm to theoretical studies on various protein families.

  • J Leluk Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Wrocław, Poland.;
  • B Hanus-Lorenz
  • A F Sikorski


Several protein families of different nature were studied for genetic relationship, correct alignment at non-homologous fragments, optimal sequence consensus construction, and confirmation of their actual relevance. A comparison of the genetic semihomology approach with statistical approaches indicates a high accuracy and cognition significance of the former. This is particularly pronounced in the study of related proteins that show a low degree of homology. The sequence multiple alignments were verified and corrected with respect to the questionable, non-homologous fragments. The verified alignments were the basis for consensus sequence formation. The frequency of six-codon amino acids occurrence versus position variability was studied and their possible role in amino acid mutational exchange at variable positions is discussed.