The effect of the Glu342Lys mutation in alpha1-antitrypsin on its structure, studied by molecular modelling methods.

  • G Jezierski Biophysics Department, Institute of Molecular Biology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.;
  • M Pasenkiewicz-Gierula


The structure of native alpha1-antitrypsin, the most abundant protease inhibitor in human plasma, is characterised primarily by a reactive loop containing the centre of proteinase inhibition, and a beta-sheet composed of five strands. Mobility of the reactive loop is confined as a result of electrostatic interactions between side chains of Glu342 and Lys290, both located at the junction of the reactive loop and the beta structure. The most common mutation in the protein, resulting in its inactivation, is Glu342-->Lys, named the Z mutation. The main goal of this work was to investigate the influence of the Z mutation on the structure of alpha1-antitrypsin. Commonly used molecular modelling methods have been applied in a comparative study of two protein models: the wild type and the Z mutant. The results indicate that the Z mutation introduces local instabilities in the region of the reactive loop. Moreover, even parts of the protein located far apart from the mutation region are affected. The Z mutation causes a relative change in the total energy of about 3%. Relatively small root mean square differences between the optimised structures of the wild type and the Z mutant, together with detailed analysis of 'conformational searching' process, lead to the hypothesis that the Z mutation principally induces a change in the dynamics of alpha1-antitrypsin.