Fluorescence decay time distribution analysis of cyclic enkephalin analogues; influence of solvent and Leu configuration in position 5 on conformation.

  • J Malicka Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • R Ganzynkowicz
  • M Groth
  • C Czaplewski
  • J Karolczak
  • A Liwo
  • W Wiczk


Lifetime distribution analysis were performed to study the influence of Leu configuration in position 5 on changes of the peptide chain of cyclic analogues of enkephalins containing a fluorescence donor and acceptor in different solvents. The configuration change of Leu5 in all the analogues of enkephalins studied which contain donor-acceptor pairs has no apparent influence on Trp lifetime distributions. In contrast, there is a significant solvent effect on the shape of lifetime distribution.