Structure and functions of 5S rRNA.

  • M Z Barciszewska Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań.;
  • M Szymański
  • V A Erdmann
  • J Barciszewski


The ribosome is a macromolecular assembly that is responsible for protein biosynthesis in all organisms. It is composed of two-subunit, ribonucleoprotein particles that translate the genetic material into an encoded polypeptides. The small subunit is the site of codon-anticodon interaction between the messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA) substrates, and the large subunit catalyses peptide bond formation. The peptidyltransferase activity is fulfilled by 23S rRNA, which means that ribosome is a ribozyme. 5S rRNA is a conserved component of the large ribosomal subunit that is thought to enhance protein synthesis by stabilizing ribosome structure. This paper shortly summarises new results obtained on the structure and function of 5S rRNA.