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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in pdf document file format.
  • Where available, DOI for the references have been provided.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • Three recomendations for the potential reviewers with e-mails and afiliations placed in Pre Review Discussions field
  • I am aware that I had to pay charges for printing the article when accepted.

    For the corresponding author who is a member of the Polish Biochemical Society, the article-processing charge amounts 700 EURO for each article accepted for publication.

    For a nonmember corresponding author, the article-processing charge amounts 1100 EURO for each article accepted for publication.
  • Accepted manuscripts are to be withdrawn only after payment of charges stated by the Founding coordinator.
    APCs will not be refunded when articles are retracted as a result of author error or misconduct.
  • ORCID, after submission the corresponding Author will be asked for ORCID

Author Guidelines

The manuscript should generally be assembled as described below. Short communications, describing novel, significant and complete observations, should contain up to 25000 characters (including spaces) in the text and no more than 4 figures and/or tables. Review articles may contain different section titles than those suggested for original articles.


Before author will be allowed to submit a manuscript,  the system collects metadata for on-line presentation and deposition in such external database as PubMed and CrossRef. Please fill all fields carefully, since metadata have to be in agreement with manuscript content before submission further processing. Please add all authors with affiliation, email addresses and ORCiD iD numbers (if present). Authors will be verified by ORCiD number if provided. For details please see About ORCiD info.

Any figures, tables, fragments of text and any other fragments of external works, books, publications etc. may be used in the papers published in ABP solely under the written permission of the copyrights holders/owners. A scan of such a permission should be delivered to the ABP Editors at latests on proof/on submission.


Text should be double-spaced throughout the whole manuscript. Margins should be of at least 2.5 cm on each side. All pages (including the title page) should be numbered. The text should be left-justified, and automatic end-of-line hyphenation should not be used. Carriage returns should be used only to end headings and paragraphs, not to break lines of text. All characters should be correctly represented, i.e. 1 (one) and l (ell), 0 (zero) and O (oh), x (ex) and × (times sign).

Tables and Figures

Every table and figure should have a legend which consists of the title, followed by a description of experimental conditions so as to be intelligible without referring to the text, but the details given in Materials and Methods should not be repeated. Legends to tables should be provided above each table on the same page, however, figure legends should be provided as the last section of the text of the manuscript. Figure legends should also include explanation of the symbols used in figures. Figures (line drawings and photographs) should be suitable for reproduction not less then 300 dpi. Colour figures in CMYK separation. They should not exceed 16.5 × 24.0 cm but of the width not smaller than 8 cm. Lettering should be proportional to the size of the drawing. Lines (not less than 1 point) and lettering should be of uniform density.


Manuscript sections

TITLE PAGE (page 1) should provide: 
(i) A brief, informative title to be used in the classification and indexing of the paper. Abbreviations in the title should not be used. 
(ii) Full names of the authors (first name in full) with the name(s) of the laboratory or laboratories where the work was carried out. Present address(es), if different, should be given in a footnote. 
(iii) Name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed, with phone, fax and e-mail information. 
(iv) Running title not exceeding 70 letters including spaces, easy to be placed at the top of the paper pages. 
(v) Key words (up to six words or short phrases). 
(vi) Abbreviations, excluding those already listed in Recommendations of the International Union of Biochemistry. Terms, irrespective of their length, that are used only once in the text, should not be abbreviated. The abbreviations have to facilitate reading of the paper, not its writing. 
(vii) Information, if any, on a preliminary report on the same subject presented at scientific meetings. 
(viii) Acknowledgements of financial support, including the granting agency and the grant award identification number. Other acknowledgements should be given at the end of the Discussion section. 
(ix) Accession numbers of any new nucleotide or amino acid sequences reported in the manuscript.

ABSTRACT should consist of a self-explanatory text, suitable for direct reproduction, of not more than 250 words for regular papers and 100 words for short communications. It should state the problem, experimental approach, summary of most important results and conclusions. If a reference is cited (only when absolutely necessary), complete bibliographic data must be given. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract. If used, they must be explained (in parentheses), irrespectively of their explanation in the title page.

INTRODUCTION should provide a background to the specific research area and describe the purpose of the research, with references to other investigations in the same field. However, extensive reviews of the literature should be avoided.

MATERIALS AND METHODS should contain description of materials and experimental procedures in a manner which enables others to repeat the experiments. Novel procedures should be given in detail, but published procedures should be referred to by literature citations (a brief description of a previously published procedure may, however, be helpful in some cases). A list of reagents should be limited to those which required special preparation, purification, or in author's opinion, a source of the chemicals is essential to the validity of the experimental results. 

RESULTS should be presented in a concise manner. The use of both tables and figures for presentation of the same data is not acceptable.

DISCUSSION should not contain a summary of the results but solely their interpretation. Joint presentation of the Results and Discussion is permissible.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. This section should contain only acknowledgements other than information about the financial support of the work provided on the title page.

REFERENCES. Bibliographic citations in the text should appear by author's names and year of publication. Examples are as follows: Knauer & Lehle (Knauer & Lehle, 1994) or (Knauer & Lehle, 1994), Gow and others (Gow et al., 1993) or (Gow et al., 1993). Multiple citations should be organized by the year: (Knauer & Lehle, 1992; Gow et al., 1993). In the reference list they should be organized in alphabetic order. The references should contain full titles of the articles referred to. First and last page numbers are to be quoted. Autors are to add DOI links (when available) to the reference list. 
References for journals and books should be in the following style:

Knauer R, Lehle LL (1994) The N-oligosaccharyl-transferase complex from yeast. FEBS Lett. 344: 83–86.

Shuman S, Hardy M, Sobue G, Pleasure D (1988) A cyclic AMP analogue induces synthesis of a myelin-specific glycoprotein by cultured Schwann cells. J. Neurochem. 50: 190–194.

Braendle Ch, Heyland A, Flatt T (2011) Integrating mechanistic and evolutionary analysis of life history variation. In Mechanisms of life history evolution: the genetics and physiology of life history traits and trade-offs. Flatt T, Heyland A eds., pp. 3-10. Oxford University Press.

Wertz J, Bolton J (1986) Electron spin resonance. Elementary theory and practical applications. Chapman & Hall, New York, London.

Reference style in format CSL may be found under address: and can be directly used in the Mendeley Desktop

Articles accepted for publication in other journals are cited in the reference list as "in press". Data in preparation or only submitted are referred to in the text ("unpublished data") or in a footnote on the same page, not in the reference list. The same concerns personal communications. Written permission to quote personal communication from its author(s) must be provided. Extensive reference to personal communication or unpublished results should be avoided.

Supplementary Data

Supplementary Data should be submitted as ONE pdf file ready for publication on-line.


Acta Biochimica Polonica publish only reviewed papers. Three recomendations for the potential reviewers with e-mails and afiliations are expected from authors, however editor is not obligated tu use provided reviewers.


Please remember that due to Web of Knowledge Paper in Press publishing NO CORRECTIONS after proof would be possible.

The appearence of the manuscript as Paper in Press on the web site is final.

The correction of any serious mistakes would be possible only as the Erratum.


Since the 1st of October the payment system is changed and payment is to be made upon editorial acceptance of an article.

The article-processing charge amounts to €1100.00 for each article accepted for publication. For the corresponding author who is a member of the Polish Biochemical Society, the article-processing charge amounts 700 EURO for each article accepted for publication.

The corresponding author will be notified that payment is due and is responsible for making or arranging the payment (for instance, via your institution) upon editorial acceptance of the manuscript.

The APC payable for an article is agreed as part of the manuscript submission process. The agreed charge will not change, regardless of any change to the journal’s APC.

We advise prompt payment as we are unable to publish accepted articles until payment has been received.

Payment can be made by any of the following methods:

  1. Invoice - payment is due within 14 days of the manuscript receiving editorial acceptance. Receipts are available on request.
  2. Credit card - payment can be made via PayPal system as soon as the manuscript has been editorially accepted. We will send a receipt by email once payment has been processed.

APCs will not be refunded when articles are retracted as a result of author error or misconduct.

The articles submitted before 1st of October will be paid on the previous basis.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.