Developmental changes in barley microRNA expression profiles coupled with miRNA targets analysis.

  • Andrzej Miroslaw Pacak Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Katarzyna Kruszka Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Aleksandra Świda-Barteczka Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Przemysław Nuc Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Wojciech Karlowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Artur Jarmołowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińska Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Keywords: microRNA, barley, NGS, degradome


MicroRNAs are 18-24 nt long single stranded RNAs that are crucial regulators of gene expression and control plant development and response to environmental cues. We have analyzed microtranscriptomes of five barley developmental stages. Generally during barley development miR168-3p, miR1432-5p levels increase and miR156-5p, miR169-3p decrease. We have identified two miR156-5p izomiRs (called 5’U miR156-5p - 20 nt and 5’UU miR156-5p - 21 nt), which were differently expressed during barley development. 5’ U miR156-5p level decreased in 3-week, 6-week and 68-day old barley, when compared to 1-week-old plants. Meanwhile, 5’ UU miR156-5p level increased significantly in 68-day old barley plants. Moreover, only 5’ U miR156 isomiR recognizes and guides unique transcription factor mRNAs from Squamosa Promoter Like Binding Protein (SPL) family. We identified many non-canonical microRNAs with the expression levels changed during barley development. Here we present the profiles of microRNAs expression characteristic for particular barley developmental stages. These analyses are accompanied by the experimental degradome analysis of miRNA targets.


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