A simple model for predicting the free energy of binding between anthracycline antibiotics and DNA.

  • W R Rudnicki Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, Warsaw University, Poland.;
  • M Kurzepa
  • T Szczepanik
  • W Priebe
  • B Lesyng


A theoretical model for predicting the free energy of binding between anthracycline antibiotics and DNA was developed using the electron density functional (DFT) and molecular mechanics (MM) methods. Partial DFT-ESP charges were used in calculating the MM binding energies for complexes formed between anthracycline antibiotics and oligodeoxynucleotides. These energies were then compared with experimental binding free energies. The good correlation between the experimental and theoretical energies allowed us to propose a model for predicting the binding free energy for derivatives of anthracycline antibiotics and for quickly screening new anthracycline derivatives.