Effect of ethanol on structural transitions of DNA and polyphosphates under Ca2+ ions action in mixed solutions.

  • E V Hackl Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkov, Ukraine. e_hackl@usa.net;
  • Y P Blagoi


In the present work using the IR spectroscopy method the effect of ethanol on structural transitions of DNA and polyphosphates under the action of Ca2+ ions in mixed solutions containing ethanol (0-25 vol.%) was studied. It was shown that, on its interaction with Ca2+ ions, in aqueous and mixed solutions DNA becomes transformed into compact form. With the increase of concentration of ethanol the degree of Ca2+-induced DNA compactisation rises. It was found that, in mixed solutions containing ethanol, Ca2+-induced DNA compactisation depends not only on the solution's dielectric permeability but also on the solution structure. On stabilisation of the water structure in the presence of low ethanol concentrations a stabilisation of the DNA macromolecule occurs that leads to the increase of the Ca2+ ion concentration necessary for DNA compactisation. Comparison of the effects of ethanol on Ca2+-induced structural transitions in DNA and polyphosphates in mixed solvents permits to suppose that at alcohol concentrations in solution resulting in disruption of the water spatial structure, some peculiarities are observed in the behavior of those molecules whose hydrophobic interactions are essential.