N-Methyl-N-D-fructosyl amphotericin B methyl ester (MF-AME), a novel antifungal agent of low toxicity: monomer/micelle control over selective toxicity.

  • B Cybulska Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk, Poland.;
  • I Gadomska
  • J Mazerski
  • J G E Borowski
  • M Cheron
  • J Bolard


Rational chemical modification of amphotericin B (AMB) led to the synthesis of sterically hindered AMB derivatives. The selected optimal compound, N-methyl-N-D-fructosyl amphotericin B methyl ester (MF-AME) retains the broad spectrum of antifungal activity of the parent antibiotic, and exhibits a two orders of magnitude lower toxicity in vivo and in vitro against mammalian cells. Comparative studies of MF-AME and AMB comprising the determination of the spectroscopic properties of monomeric and self-associated forms of the antibiotics, the investigation of the influence of self-association on toxicity to human red blood cells, and of the antibiotic-sterol interaction were performed. On the basis of the results obtained it can be assumed that the improvement of the selective toxicity of MF-AME could in part be a consequence of the diminished concentration of water soluble oligomers in aqueous medium, and the better ability to differentiate between cholesterol and ergosterol.