ATP-binding domain of NTPase/helicase as a target for hepatitis C antiviral therapy.

  • P Borowski Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, Department of Virology, Hamburg, Germany.;
  • O Mueller
  • A Niebuhr
  • M Kalitzky
  • L H Hwang
  • H Schmitz
  • M A Siwecka
  • T Kulikowsk


To enhance the inhibitory potential of 1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl-1,2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide (ribavirin) vs hepatitis C virus (HCV) NTPase/helicase, ribavirin-5'-triphosphate (ribavirin-TP) was synthesized and investigated. Ribavirin-TP was prepared with the use of modified Yoshikawa-Ludwig-Mishra-Broom procedure (cf. Mishra & Broom, 1991, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun, 1276-1277) involving phosphorylation of unprotected nucleoside. Kinetic analysis revealed enhanced inhibitory potential of ribavirin-TP (IC50=40 microM) as compared to ribavirin (IC50 > 500 microM). Analysis of the inhibition type by means of graphical methods showed a competitive type of inhibition with respect to ATP. In view of the relatively low specificity towards nucleoside-5'-triphosphates (NTP) of the viral NTPase/helicases, it could not be ruled out that the investigated enzyme hydrolyzed the ribavirin-TP to less potent products. Investigations on non- hydrolysable analogs of ribavirin-TP or ribavirin-5'-diphosphate (ribavirin-DP) are currently under way.